Grossology - Annie McFarland
Who watched last Friday Night LIVE? I was on a super spontaneous girls get away with my besties to scope out hot, male swim suit models to quench our thirsty girl dehydration. In the process of racing out the door, we all managed to forget to pack something. I, clearly, was not worried about how I smelled because I forgot my toothbrush and deodorant. That would be one, sure fire way to scare off hot, male swimsuit models! One of the girls forgot her panties. . I am now left wondering if this was on purpose because she was running around commando all weekend.
But this getaway made me think, what are things that you are willing to share with someone else and what will you absolutely go without rather than share? And has Covid made a difference in your list? Let’s start off easy:Let’s just say you are exactly like me and you forget your toothbrush. I know you can get one from the hotel front desk but stop being logical for a hot minute and pretend that you can’t. . . would you borrow your friends, kids, SO’s toothbrush? Me. . nope. . .next.
I would rather do the finger toothbrush that we all tried as some point in life, it is not super effective but it’s better than the dry heaving that would happen if I tried to use someone else’s toothbrush.This is a good one and it totally bogles my mind. . .mattresses. I would never buy a used mattress but I have no problem going to a hotel and sleeping on a mattress that has had thousands of strang asses on it doing God only knows what. Why. . .why does my mind make the distinction? Maybe my desire to travel is greater than the ick factor of the hotel mattress.Or what about a bar of soap. . it’s inherently clean, right? So, sharing shouldn’t gross anyone out, unless you find the rando pube stuck in it.
It’s especially bad when you find a random ginger pube in the family bar of soap and wonder who has red hair, only to find out that grandpa did before he went grey. . . um. . . I guess he didn’t go grey all over. <gag> In case you were wondering. . .that’s a true story!My daughter has the worst habit in the world of coming to sit next to me or her brother on the couch, get thirsty and grab one of our cups and drink from it. This one small act typically erupts into a huge fight between the kids. . . see, I don’t care if she drinks from my cup but my son can’t stand it when she grabs his cup. So, she usually goes for his over mine just to egg him on. You can actually see the devil horns sprout up as she leans forward, contemplating which cup she is going to steal! It is funny to me that something that will gross out one person have zero effect on someone else but we all have very different tolerance levels.
So. . .I’m super curious where you fall on the Grossology scale!
- Annie
I have used my hubby’s toothbrush and vice versa I figure if I can put his dick in my mouth I can certainly use his toothbrush…I won’t use hotel blankets I always bring my own… even though I am that A hole who calls ahead of time and says I have allergies so they "supposedly"change the whole entire bedding over…
Hand towels in the bathroom skeeve me out..
Never Ever use shared bar soap Ever…won’t even buy it…because I know what people wash with it 🤮
Any kind of hair on my soap, I have to have my own. Hair in my food I don’t know you or when was the last time you washed your hair. I hate using someone else’s toilet or my toilet after someone else uses it
So my gross out factor is someone taking food off my plate. I always think eeck, where have their fingers been? What have they touched, and if using utensils then where have they been and what have they touched. It just grosses me out and that goes for my drink too. The only person who can eat or drink from my stuff is my wife. I figure I already have whatever germs she has, but I don’t want any strange weird germs.
There are a couple people who I would share deodorant with in a pinch. Same goes for a spoon or fork. Don’t like sharing straws (pre & post COVID)
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