Fans of the Week! - Aug 24th 2020

Meet this weeks incredible and amazing Fans of the Week!


Ronie JN

This not only caught our attention because of the adorable puppers but how hilarious is this caption!! The dog is wearing Piper Lou people! 

1. What state do you reside? Wisconsin (pretty lame, I know!)

2. How Long have you been a Piper Lou? Who I stumbled upon it a couple of months ago and so glad I did! What a fun group and fun products that fit my personality and attitude!

3. Favorite Part of being a Piper Lou Who: The fact that the things that I say in my head 100s of times a day are on tumblers! How cool is that?!

4. Funniest thing that has happened to you (or a funny story) Well, at the time it was not funny, but now that I am healed for the most part, I can look back and laugh! Last March I was in a cow pasture for work (don’t ask what kind of work I do, it’s not nearly as glamorous as what Annie and Meghan get to do!) I got charged by an ornery cow and ended up in the hospital for three days with a blown apart ulna and went through three surgeries to fix my arm! My wonderful co-workers showered me with cow gifts and Facebook memes as well as a life size cutout of a cow!

5. How would your friends describe you? A tell you like it is kind of person who has no fucks to give (oops, can I say that?!)

6. Favorite tumbler quote of all time? Honestly there are so many amazing and fitting ones for my lifes that it is hard to pick just one! But there is one in particular that summarizes my world pretty well “not today heifer-not my pasture, not my bullshit” see #4 above!

7. What’s your dream vacation? Hell getting out of my zip code is a vacation!

8. Favorite drink to put in your tumbler I’m pretty bland, I like plain ol’ ice and water! 9. Favorite appetizer Anything with bacon! Or chocolate, wait, can chocolate be an appetizer?!

10. Anyone you want to give a shout out to or thank for your prestigious award? Maggie (my dog) without her there would be no FOTW tumbler and fame for me!

Maggie Haught

This inspiring caption and gorgeous photo was the perfect reminder of how we are enough. Thank you for your inspiring words Maggie! 

I live in Maryland ! I’ve been a piper Lou who for a little over a year now! I few like I’ve found people here love sarcasm , dirty jokes and can have a sensitive side as well! My favorite tumbler has to be the “you are enough” But I do love to choose them depending on my day lol I tend to color code for my outfits carry a 20 and a 30 everyday My favorite drink for my tumblers is coffee!! It’s hot all day! Sheilah Cr ordered me the you are enough cup! I was the one who got her hooked! Haha 

MK Lynch

Look at this adorable young who!! Drinking out of her PL cup getting ready to watch the "crazy lady!" aka Annie! LOL

 *Live in Virginia

*PLW since 5/15/2020

*Favorite part of being PLW is this group. When I am having a bad day this group always picks me up. Only place on internet with positive vibes. Love it here! Oh, and definitely keeps me laughing.

*Favorite tumbler quote “She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes”
*Favorite drink to put in tumbler - apple crown and cranberry (primarily because I can’t find peach crown around here!)
*Friends would describe me dependable. If anyone ever needs anything I am there for them.
*I’d like to send a shout out to my granddaughter, Leah, who spends every Friday with me. She makes me one happy Mimi

Lisa Swenson Smith

Anyone who buys PL for their team is Fan of the Week in our eyes! A virtual WTF party! Does it get any better?

    1. Where are you from? Minnesota
    2. How long have you been a Who? 3 months
    3. Best part about being a PLW? The daily posts on the VIP site
    4. Tell us a funny story? Too many funny things to mention!
    5. How would your friends describe you? I have been described as living at the Intersection of Genius and Crazy
    6. Favorite tumbler? We are best friends because everyone else sucks!
    7. Dream vacation? Beach, beach, beach and Tiki Hut
    8. Favorite drink to drink in your tumbler? Sex on the Beach
    9. Favorite appetizer-Cocktail Wienies
    10. Anyone you would like to thank? My husband Troy Smith for supporting me in everything I do... even though most of it is crazy 

    Corrie Reynolds 

    She fired her water bottle for not being cool enough. Def FOTW material right here! 

    1. I live in Pennsylvania, I have been a PLW for 4ish years. Favorite part of being a Who is that even when I have the worst days, I can watch the lives with Annie and Meghan and laugh like it's been the best day ever!! My dream vacation would be anywhere tropical. Warm Sunny beaches are my jam! That is followed closely by anywhere that I take my son because seeing his excitement,joy, and his face full of wonder is the best thing ever! My favorite drink would be a fireball and cream soda if I'm lazy then I go for wine because it doesn't require mixing. Favorite appetizer would be Mac and cheese bites because I love me some Mac and cheese. I'd like to thank all of the PLW's for being amazing group of ladies who uplift and support each other and for Annie and Meghan for being the most amazing hosts and keeping us laughing!!!

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